Overlap type is run by Kel Troughton in Oakland, California, and is a part of Letter Person LLC. Please reach out using the links below, or scroll down to find links to individual designers who have released with us.

Email: overlaptype@gmail.com
Mailing List: Sign up
Instagram: @overlaptype
Twitter: @overlaptype

Typeface Designer Contact
Boiga Kel Troughton Instagram: @keltroughton
Gnar Twitter: @troughtonkel
Website: keltroughton.com
Socko Libbie Bischoff Instagram: @typedunord
Substack: Type du Nord
Website: typedunord.com
Outgo James Plattner Instagram: @james.plattner
Website: jamesplattner.com
Forager Jacob Cummings Instagram: @dingbat.co
Twitter: @dingbatjake
Website: dingbat.co

The text typeface used on this website is MD IO from Mass Driver. This site is designed and managed by Fontdue. The front page was designed by Rob Stenson. A big thank you to Elise Carlton, and all of the homies who have supported and helped Overlap Type become a reality.